We quickly gathered around the School of Aquatics. We had our swimming bags, nothing else. It was a cool, yet dry Friday morning and I was ready for a swim. As we jumped into the water, showing the coach our creativity, we felt an icy chill. The water was freezing!
"I hope you're all good swimmers," started the coach, "because you're each going to have to swim 5 widths of the river as a warm up! Good luck." The coach blew his whistle and we started swimming. I found swimming much easier than as a penguin - maybe it was because I was stronger. After our widths, we found ourselves learning to scare underwater. It was a tricky task, and robots were already in the water. The coach mentioned something about the loch ness monster.
"What's that?" asked Bubsey. Me and Pingy knew because we had been to Scotland on a penguin visit.
"It's this myth of a monster that lives in this big lake. He's called Nessie, and apparently he comes from the monster world!" Pingy replied. I was amazed by that. We were ordered to do more swimming and scaring before we were out and back into our dorm to grab our bags. Pingy had decided that we would go to the mueseum on Friday. He hadn't warned us, until he told us that the bus was arriving in two minutes! We rushed to the bus stop and made it just in time. On Saturday, we would be practicing with OK.
After stopping at MonsterDonalds for a some MonsterNuggets and fries, we found ourselves surrounded by paintings. There were so many! I took pictures on my camera. Unlike the human world, you were allowed to have flash photography in mueseums. Here are some of the amazing paintings, sketches and pictures I took on my camera...

Some of the pictures I saw various monsters in. I'd seen them at university. Some of them were even in OK. As we gazed at the amazing pictures, we were escorted around the huge mueseum. Once it came to an end, I wanted to see more artwork! We had a great time at the mueseum and we were exhausted after all the walking and swimming we had done so we came straight back to the dorm and fell fast asleep. It was our first training session with OK tommorow...
"I hope you're all good swimmers," started the coach, "because you're each going to have to swim 5 widths of the river as a warm up! Good luck." The coach blew his whistle and we started swimming. I found swimming much easier than as a penguin - maybe it was because I was stronger. After our widths, we found ourselves learning to scare underwater. It was a tricky task, and robots were already in the water. The coach mentioned something about the loch ness monster.
"What's that?" asked Bubsey. Me and Pingy knew because we had been to Scotland on a penguin visit.
"It's this myth of a monster that lives in this big lake. He's called Nessie, and apparently he comes from the monster world!" Pingy replied. I was amazed by that. We were ordered to do more swimming and scaring before we were out and back into our dorm to grab our bags. Pingy had decided that we would go to the mueseum on Friday. He hadn't warned us, until he told us that the bus was arriving in two minutes! We rushed to the bus stop and made it just in time. On Saturday, we would be practicing with OK.
After stopping at MonsterDonalds for a some MonsterNuggets and fries, we found ourselves surrounded by paintings. There were so many! I took pictures on my camera. Unlike the human world, you were allowed to have flash photography in mueseums. Here are some of the amazing paintings, sketches and pictures I took on my camera...
Some of the pictures I saw various monsters in. I'd seen them at university. Some of them were even in OK. As we gazed at the amazing pictures, we were escorted around the huge mueseum. Once it came to an end, I wanted to see more artwork! We had a great time at the mueseum and we were exhausted after all the walking and swimming we had done so we came straight back to the dorm and fell fast asleep. It was our first training session with OK tommorow...
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