We've seen some great outfit combinations using some of the new items from this month’s Penguin Style catalog!
In our last Reviewed By You, we asked what new penguin styles you’d most like to see. Here’s what Ymuy dreamed up:
I think that we should have a mascot shirt (one shirt for each mascot) then, when we dance, we do what the mascot on the picture does best! For example: If I had a shirt with G on it, then when I dance, I do what he does best which is (obviously) building machines (and sometimes blowing them up straight after)!
Nice - that's a fun idea. I'd love to have a shirt with Sensei on it. He's my fave. Thanks for your feedback! Now on to this week's question...

In just one week, we’ll travel back in time for the Prehistoric Party. That’s got us wondering: If you could take Gary’s Time Trekker anywhere, what time would you travel to and why?
Can’t wait to read your answers in the comments! We’ll feature one next week and give the featured penguin 10,000 coins.
Until next time… Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
That's a fun idea Ymuy.I would take it to the time before the destruction of the psa and save it.
In our last Reviewed By You, we asked what new penguin styles you’d most like to see. Here’s what Ymuy dreamed up:
I think that we should have a mascot shirt (one shirt for each mascot) then, when we dance, we do what the mascot on the picture does best! For example: If I had a shirt with G on it, then when I dance, I do what he does best which is (obviously) building machines (and sometimes blowing them up straight after)!
Nice - that's a fun idea. I'd love to have a shirt with Sensei on it. He's my fave. Thanks for your feedback! Now on to this week's question...

In just one week, we’ll travel back in time for the Prehistoric Party. That’s got us wondering: If you could take Gary’s Time Trekker anywhere, what time would you travel to and why?
Can’t wait to read your answers in the comments! We’ll feature one next week and give the featured penguin 10,000 coins.
Until next time… Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
That's a fun idea Ymuy.I would take it to the time before the destruction of the psa and save it.
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