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Monday 10 June 2013

The Scare Games - Following Pingy (Echo's part of the story)

Pingy was watching me. I knew it. I slowly turned around and asked him why he was up so late. He said he was going for a jog, and so I followed him. He crept down the corridor and I wasn't far behind. He did start out as a jog, so I was going to go back. But he stopped at the library. It was an 24 hour library - open every hour of every day. Inside, I watched Pingy and his rainbow Puffle pick a book called Truth. Then, to my amazement, the bookcase opened and Pingy entered a secret room...I stepped in and read the book he was interested in. It was about room 56! I was shocked and I gasped. Pingy turned around.
"Why are YOU here?" asked Pingy.
"Why are you here?" I replied.
"I'm looking for the history of room 56!" said Pingy.
"Why?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Because of the letter, Echo. Now just look here!" He showed me the book. I read the information. Just then, the bookcase door closed. 
"Uh, how are we going to get back?" I asked. The rainbow Puffle looked upset. There was no way out. We were trapped inside a room of history. We didn't speak after that. We just sat down, and began to sleep. I was worried. I was ill. But atleast I had company. Hopefully, someone would find us in the morning. And we weren't in the haunted room of 56. But Bubsey was...