Today morning was bright and a perfect day for scavenger hunt.We(Saraapril,1aredrocka1,Scary Claws,Aunt Arctic,Pingywin8) headed for the Scavenger hunt on Easter.We were all ready to start but suddenly Aunt Arctic got a phone call.Then Aunt Arctic sadly said "Oh! dear,I have to write an article for Club Penguin Times".Then Saraapril said "No problem Aunt Arctic we will help you after we finish the scavenger hunt."After that we went to the Town.Pingywin8(me) said that "Hey guys lets get separated and find the eggs." Then soon we followed the hints.After some time each of us got the eggs and we claimed the prize.Suddenly we spotted a white penguin.I asked "Hey from where did you get that color?" He replied "Coming soon" and waddled away.We then waddled to Aunt Arctic's Iggy and saw Aunt Arctic writing an article.1aredrocka1 asked "Aunt Arctic is the article complete ?" she replied "Almost.Did you find any interesting thing in club penguin?" Scary Claws reminded me of that white penguin we saw. I (Pingywin8) described the incident to Aunt Arctic.The next day in the Club Penguin Times I saw the article.But the mystery still goes on.
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